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Why Do Buildings Collapse?

Although the investigation into the Surfside tragedy is ongoing, we know that buildings may collapse for several reasons. They include:

  • Defective design
  • Poor construction
  • Lack of maintenance
  • Sinkholes, rain, wind, and snow, and other external factors
  • Foundation settlement
  • Soil problems
  • Impacts from external objects or adjacent buildings

What Are Building Codes?

Building codes are minimum construction standards set forth to protect occupants and visitors. Every aspect of a building’s construction, from the foundation to the roof, must be to code. Building codes address not only structural issues, but also things like electric, plumbing, fire safety, ventiligation, lighting, and energy use.

If a code violation is identified in the investigation of a building collapse, it can be used to establish negligence. For example, if it’s found that a construction company cut corners by using cheap materials, they may be legally responsible for the outcome.

Who Can Be Held Liable?

Depending on the facts of the case, numerous parties may be legally responsible for a building collapse. For example:

  • Construction company
  • Contractor
  • Building owner
  • Building manager
  • Parts manufacturer
  • Architect
  • Engineer
  • Property owner

The above is not an exhaustive list. Generally, when the cause of the collapse is identified, it’s straightforward to establish liability.

Should I Retain a Lawyer If My Loved Ones Are Unaccounted For?

Yes. Retaining an attorney is critical in this situation. Your loved ones should never have been put in this type of danger, and it’s our mission to hold accountable those responsible. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Can I Afford a Lawyer?

We believe that everyone deserves top-notch legal representation, no matter their financial means. That’s why our attorneys work on a contingency, meaning we get paid only if you win. There’s no cost to hire us, and the initial consultation is always free. If you were in any way affected by the Surfside tragedy, we’ll fight for you.